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Heroku gussies up Postgres with database roll-back and proactive alerts

on November 12, 2013


Heroku’s new Postgres 2.0 database service brings perks — including proactive database monitoring and alerts, and a rollback feature that is more forgiving if there’s a database snafu.

The new “unlimited undo” feature, roughly analogous to Apple’s(s aapl) Time Machine, is a big deal in the database world, said Heroku Postgres product head Craig Kerstiens. “Typically with databases, you can’t go back if something breaks. Now, if you push something to production and there’s a problem, you can now roll it back to before the issue occurred,” he said.

In addition, there are more automated and proactive e-mail alerts that give DBAs insights into what’s going on with their implementation. “If you have indexes that are not needed — they slow down your write throughput. We will now notify you about that so you can make the choice to remove them,” Kerstiens said.

Indeed, there is now a whole array or…

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